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How Do I know That My PT Practice Billings are in Good Hands?

Potential clients are always worried that if they turn over their billing department to a third party, they’re going to have problems.

I understand, when I was running my own practice, I thought there was no way anyone would care as much as I do about my finances. That’s a natural feeling.

When you’re evaluating a company for any service and especially for your billing needs, you want them to take care of business better than you could yourself. That’s the whole reason for outsourcing, right?

Anyone can promise you that they’ll do a decent job, but what I want to talk to you about today is how to tell if they have a system in place to make sure things go smoothly.

There’s a Whole Series of Steps We Follow for Our Clients

When we work with a new client the first thing, we do is explain to them that we follow a systematic approach to their billing. We do the things the same way every time. That way nothing gets lost or falls through the cracks.

We walk them through the individual steps that starts with a patient walking through their doors and ends when that same patient’s last visit ends and the money is in the bank.

I ask them to visualize walking up a set of stairs from one floor to the other. Each step represents a separate process that needs to be carried out to achieve our goals.

All these processes have their own individual actions. Once we breakdown the process, it becomes easy for our clients to see that if we do A, B, and C we are going to get X, Y, and Z as a result.

This allows us to track the process and communicate progress with our clients. That way they know that their business is in good hands.

We Track 27 Different Statistics on a Daily Basis

We measure and track different statistics at Jet PT. Our specialized approach allows us to track 27 individual metrics and report them to our clients. That way they know immediately exactly where every patient account is at any given moment.

This is the type of service that, quite frankly, you should demand from all your vendors.

If you would like to see what type of service we can provide for your practice, please get in touch with us today. We pride ourselves in communicating clearly and answering your questions in an open and pressure-free way.

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    • "They provide us with timely billing services at very competitive rates. Their team is very knowledgeable and communicate well with us..." Read more »

      Nathan Stack

      Optimal Physical Therapy

    • "This rapidness has completely turned my company around and I highly recommend this team to all physical therapist." Read more »

      Matt Jackson

      Lonoke Physical Therapy, Inc

    • "Jet PT Billing is the best billing company that I have used. They have a comprehensive statistical approach to billing..." Read more »

      Scott Cole

      Franklin Rehabilitation


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